Pond Lily Mill Restorations

Provides Information and Services
Relating to Mill Restoration

Theodore R. Hazen

Master Miller, Millwright, Millstone Dresser; Consultant 
on grist mills & flour mills, water wheels & turbines,
millstones, millstone grinding, & millstone dressing;
long & short system roller mills; operating mills & mill restoration.

America's Leading Authority on the Restoration, Operation, 
Interpretation and Preservation of Historical Grist and Flour Mills. 

Theodore R. Hazen & Pond Lily Mill Restorations

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Website Disclaimer: The historical and technical information contained in this website represents a lifetime of work and research. It has been carefully check and recheck for historical accuracy before ever presented to the public. In the recording and reporting of Molinological and museological information, and events, USNPS procedures have been followed. Some events depicted in certain posting and threads on this website are my own view point and opinion, and any similarity to any person living or dead, or historical place is merely coincidental.

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On the World Wide Web Since April 1996.

 CONTACT US: If you have a story to tell about a mill, would like to suggest a topic, or add a url link, need help in restoring a mill, have mill parts that are puzzling you, have milling books or magazines to sell, or if you just love old mills as I do, send e-mail to me. Your comments and suggestions about this site are welcomed and encouraged.

Theodore R. Hazen
Pond Lily Mill Restorations

Theodore R. Hazen 
Pond Lily Mill Restorations

Please Note: This Web Site Grows Almost Daily! 
So Please Come Back Again & Again!!!

Original Web Site Design Credits April 1996.

Concept, Text, Photos, Drawings
T. R. Hazen

Design, Editing
A. L. Stallsmith
Hydraulic Engineer

Graphics Imaging
Thomas S. Hohing Graphics
Graphic Artist
T. R. Hazen
Graphic Artist

Life and Adventures of America's Most Celebrated Tramp!

The Actual True Life Adventures of A-No.1, 
written by himself from personal experiences.
The famous tramp who traveled 500,000 miles for $7.61.
A-No.1 the King of the Hoboes.
The Emperor of the North Pole.
It's not a place, it's a prize!
A-No.1 At Rest At Last
A New Web Site Created by Grahamqckr (a.k.a. T. R. Hazen)

Photographs of my brother
John E. Hazen's Covered Bridge
in northwestern Pennsylvania. 

Fit and Proper.

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                This page is the alphabetical index of all titles and images found on my web pages,
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                 The function of this page is so you can check to see if you have missed something.


Index by Text Titles

Addendum One: Footnotes on First Person Interpretation for Old Mills (part 2), by Theodore R. Hazen
Addendum One: Footnotes on Living History Interpretation, (part 4), by Theodore R. Hazen.
Addendum Two: Books of Interest to First Person Interpreters Working in Old Mills (part 3)
Addendum Two: Selected Readings on Living History Interpretation (part 5), by T.R. Hazen.
Addition to the Interpretation of Old Mills (part 3), by Theodore R. Hazen.
Additivies in Flour, by Theodore R. Hazen.
The American Miller and Millwright's Assistant, by William Carter Hughes, 1894.
Another Look at Mill Artifacts, was some of these items really used in an Old Mill, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Architectural Analysis of Peirce Mill and Argyle Mill. Two Mills a Half a Mile apart, and Built by the same Millwright Isaac Pearce, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Artifacts Found in Early American Mills, by Theodore R. Hazen.
The Art of the Millstones, How They Work, by Theodore R. Hazen.
At the Mill's Door: The Miller's Wife. 
The Authoreship of "The Millwright's Guide." Who really authored "The Mill-Wright's Guide," portion of "The Young Mill-Wright and Miller's Guide," by Oliver Evans, 1795? Thomas "Ellicott Mill" or John Colbrook "Bury Mill."
Automated Flour Milling Evolves into New Process Milling 1820-60, by Theodore R. Hazen.
The Automation of Flour Milling in America, Part 1, by Theodore R. Hazen.
The Automation of Flour Milling In America, Part 2, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Basic Elements of a Mill that makes a Mill look like a Mill, by Theodore R. Hazen.
The Best Example of an Oliver Evans' Mill in North America. 
Boat Mills or Floating Mills: No Dams, No Fuss, No Muss! by Theodore R. Hazen.
Bookmark This Site Because.....
Bottle Weights, as used in regulating grinding with millstones, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Campbell Water Wheel Company, Water Wheels, Dams, Hydro - Electric
Plants & Water Supply Systems,
 John Blake Campbell, 1932.
The Case Study: Heishman's Mill Dam, Diller-Heishman's Mill, Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
Chills, Thrills, and Mills, Reviews of this Web Site.
Comparisons of American and British Milling, by Joseph Chamberlain, Superintendent, Maple Leaf Milling Company, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The Millers Review and Feed Forum, November 1932, Volume XCVI, Number 11.
Comparison of British and American Mills in the 1780's and 1790's, by Theodore R. Hazen
Conodquinet School of Mill Architecture, Diller-Heishman's Mill, further Reflections and Information, by William F. Foshag.
The Construction of a Wooden Water Wheel, by Theodore R. Hazen
"Crazy as a Loon" said the Boys at the Mill about Oliver Evans. from an ad for Swiss Silk, American Miller magazine.
A Cross Section of a Typical Oliver Evans Mill, text and drawing by Theodore R. Hazen.
Curatorical Items found in an average Grist Mill circa 1840-70, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Dellinger Grist Mill on Cane Creek, Bakersville, North Carolina.
Drake's Mill, near Cambridge Springs, Pa., by Theodore R. Hazen.
The Duty of the Miller, by Oliver Evans from: "The Young Mill-Wright and Miller's Guide," 1795, William Carter Hughes, under the title: "On the Amount of Help Necessary to be Employed in a Mill of Four Run of Stones, with the Duty of Each Respectively" from: "The American Miller and Millwright's Assistant," 1850, and Henry Pallett from: "The Miller, Millwright's and Engineer's Guide," 1890.
Echoes: Abraham Lincoln the Miller, from an onld milling journal. 
Ed & Fred's Bookmarksby Theodore R. Hazen, Ed & Fred Cartoon drawing by T. R. Hazen.
Editorials by Millers: Making a Head Miller, by C. L. Arddinger, from "National Miller" magazine, National Miller, February, 1928, page 31 
Efficiency of Different Water Wheels Typesby Theodore R. Hazen.
Esom Slone's Grist Mill South Prong Pigg River - Turner's Ccreek Area
Ferrum Vicinity, Virginia by Theodore R. Hazen.
The Evolution of the Flour Mill from Prehistoric Ages to Modern Times, by John Elton, joint-author of "The History of Corn Milling," from The International Miller's Congress and the Annual Convention of the National Association of British & Irish Millers, October 1905.
Example of a Materials List for the Construction of a Wooden Sluice and Water Wheel, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Example #1 Pennsylvania Historic Resource Survey Form, Diller-Heishman's Mill, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Survey Code: 35-253, Tax Parcel/Other No. 46-07-0477-008.
Example #2 National Register Nomination, Form Information for an Old Mill, Peirce Mill, Rock Creek Park, Washington, D.C., entry # 69-03-08-0002, date: 03/24/69.
Example #3 National Register Nomination, Form Information for an Old Mill, Thresher Mill, Barnet, Vermont, date: April 4, 1996.
Example of a Materials List for the Construction of a Wooden Sluice and Water Wheel. by Theodore R. Hazen.
An Example of a Mill Field Trip Activity (Pre-Tour) Package, by Theodore R. Hazen, 1987.
Example of Photographic Documentation of a Mill, Black & White Photos of the Machinery of Diller-Heishman's Mill, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, information collected by Theodore R. Hazen and William F. Foshag.
Examples of a Lesson Plans for a German Bank Barn Circa 1800, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Example of a Lesson Plan for the Blacksmith Shop, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Examples of Lesson Plans for Historical Mills, by Theodore R. Hazen.
A First Chapter for the History of the Family of Bury of Clearville, (Ontario, Canada.), by Edward Bury, 1881. 
First Person Interpretation for Old Mills, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Fitz Steel Overshoot Water Wheels, Bulletin 70, December 1928, by The Fitz Water Wheel Company.
Fitz Steel Overshoot Water Wheels, Bulletin 70, December 1928, by The Fitz Water Wheel Company: Selected Images and captions from their Catalog.
The Fitz Water Wheel Company's Restoration of Peirce Mill, Part 1. 
The Fitz Water Wheel Company's Restoration of Peirce Mill, Part 2. 
The Fitz Water Wheel Company's Other Mill Restorations. 
Flour & Meal Products from Historic Mills, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Flour Milling, by Peter A. Kozmin, 1917.
The Flour Mills of Minneapolis, by Eugene V. Smalley, 1886.
Folklore and Fakelore, the Development of the Fairy Story in Children's Literature, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Folklore Workshop: West Virginia Grist Mills. 
Foreign Material Control in Flour and Grist Mills, a National Park Service document, circa 1970. 
Franklin County's History comes alive with Water Wheel at Explore Park.
French Millstone, drawing by T. R. Hazen.
From Wheat to Flour, by Josehine Brandenburg Beardsley, Wheat Flour Institute, 1937.
A Glossary of Mill Terms, a basic list of mill terms by Theodore R. Hazen.
A Glossary of Water Wheel Terms, a basic list of mill terms by Theodore R. Hazen.
Going with the Flow, Historic dams are being razed or altered to allow fish to spawn. Is there another way? by Wayne Curtis, Preservation, July-August 2003.
Graves Mill Then & Now, Lynchburg, Virginia, by Theodore R. Hazen.
The Green Apprentice, by Nickolis Niknark, "The Millstone and the Corn Miller," D. H. Ranck Publishing Company, Indianapolis, Indiana, April 1889, volume 14, number 4, page 90. 
Historically: How to Site a Mill, by Theodore R. Hazen
A History of the Fitz Water Wheel Company, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Flour Milling in America, A General Overview, by Theodore R. Hazen.
The History of Flour Milling in Early America, by Theodore R. Hazen.
A History of the Water Wheel, by Theodore R. Hazen.
The Hopper-boy of Oliver Evans, by Theodore R. Hazen.
How the Roller Mills Changed the Milling Industry, by Theodre R. Hazen.
The Hydraulic System, just getting the Water to turn the Mill Wheel: Mill Dams, Millponds, Mill Races and Sluice Boxes. Traditionally the most expensive part of any new mill construction or restoration, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Interpretation for Old Mills, Effective Interpretive Programs to make the "same old grind" come alive again, (part 1), by Theodore R. Hazen.
Interpretation for Old Mills, Effective Interpretative Programs to make the "same old grind: come alive again, (text only; no images or links; print version; 198k), by Theodore R. Hazen.
Interpretation of Pierce Mill by the Miller, "Or Why I Learned to Love Oliver Evans and Hate the Past," by Theodore R. Hazen, 1985.
Interpretative Methods for Understanding the Past, by Theodore R. Hazen
Information & Services Available from Pond Lily Mill Restorations.
An Information Technology Reading List, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Interior Views of Mills Circa 1850-70, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Introduction to Old Mills & Mill Restoration, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Links to Mill Socities and Mill Related Sites.
A List of Mill Parts Suppliers for Flour Mill Machinery. 
Little Old Mills, by Marion Nicholl Rawson, 1935. 
Living History Interpretation, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Low Tech: The Workings of a Tub Mill, bu Theodore R. Hazen.
Mill Dams just trying to Survive in Today's World, by Theodore R. Hazen.
The Miller and Milling Engineer, by Charles E. Oliver, 1919.
The Miller in the Canterbury Tales, for mature readers only. From various sources.
The Miller's Daughter, by Alfred Tennyson, Lord Tennyson. 1809­p;1892.
The Miller, from the Panorama of Professions and Trades; or Every Man's Book, by Edward Hazen, 1846, originally published in 1836.
The Miller in Children's Literature. Various sources.
The Miller's Office, the most important item in mill interpretation, by Theodore R. Hazen.
The Miller's, Millwright's and Engineer's Guide, by Henry Pallett, 1890
A Miller's Tale: A Day in the Life of a Miller, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Mill Folklore: "History or Hearsay" by Theodore R. Hazen.
The Milling Experiences of My Life, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Milling Highlights & Oddities, from the pages of "American Miller" magazine. 
Milling Folklore, part 2, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Milling Folklore, part 3, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Milling Studies, by Edgar S. Miller, 1928.
The Milling Web, mill backgrounds, buttons, boarders, icons, and images to create your own mill - water power web site.
Mill Parts that are Puzzling You, item number 1 answers; mystery photo number 2. 
Mill Parts that are Puzzling You, mystery photo number 1.
Mill Restoration Principles.
The Mills of Franklin County, Virginia, by Theodre R. Hazen
Mill-Speak: "Sayings" from the Mill, collected by Theodore R. Hazen.
Millstones and Their Varied Usage, by Paul B. Flory, the Journal of the Lancaster County Historical Society, volume 55, number 5, 1951.
Millstone Dressing, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Millstone Dressing, An Interpretive Program, by Theodore R. Hazen, 1987.
Millstones, An Introduction, by Charles Howell, 1978.
Millstones Don't You Just Love Them! Quotes by Theodore R. Hazen.
Millstone Dressing Tools, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Millstones: Terms, The Roller Mill & Silo Manual, Liverpool, 1921. 
A Mill-Wright Miscellany or Mills and the Trades Necessary for their Construction, Repair and Operation 200 years ago, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Modern Mechanism, Appleton's Cyclopedia of Applied Mechanics, 1892.
Modern Milling, by Robert Grimshaw, 1881.
More Interior Views of Mills Circa 1850-70, by Theodore R. Hazen.
More Interior Views of Mills Circa 1850-70, the Return of the Mill Machine, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Museum of Milling History, General Mills, 1945. "Flour for Man's Bread," by John Storck and Walter Dorwin Teague, illustrated by Harold Rydell, with references, a vocabulary of milling terms, and 131 black & white illustrations, plates, diagrams, drawings, maps many by Harold Rydell, published by the University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, pp (xiii), 382, 1952.
Need a Speaker? A Lecturer, or an Interpreter on any Subject, for School Groups, to Highly Technical Matter. A Traditional Artisan, Craftsman to Demonstrate Milling, Mill Maintenance, Millstone Dressing, and other Trades? 
Notes on Gristmills and Milling in Pennsylvania, by Henry S. Engart, 1933.
New Process Milling of 1850-70, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Old Millstones, by Paul B. Flory, the Journal of the Lancaster County Historical Society, volume 55, number 2, 1951
The Old Time Water Wheels of America, by Joseph P. Frizell, 1893. 
Oliver Evans and Peirce Mill, "The Unofficial Oliver Evans' National Historic Site," by Theodore R. Hazen, 1986.
The Operation and Maintenance of a Traditional Wooden Water Wheel, by Theodore R. Hazen. 
The Origin of Pumpernickel, according to National Miller Magazine.
Origins of Ed & Fred, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Our Mission Statement, by Theodore R. Hazen and Anne L. Stallsmith.
The Parts of Traditional Wooden Water Wheel, by Theodore R. Hazen.
A Personal Remembrance of John Blake Campbell, Hydraulic Engineer, Millwright, by James Ford.
A Personal Remembrance of the Lady Miller: E. Barton McGuire, by Theodore R. Hazen and Charles Howell.
Period Appropriate Historic Miller's Clothing, by Theodore R. Hazen.
A Personal Tribute to Charles Howell, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Plan and Power of a Flour Mill of Sixty Years Ago, by Prof. B. W. Dedrick, 1931.
Pond Lily Mill Restorations Home Page.
Pond Lily Mill Restorations Home Page Mail Bag
Pond Lily Mill Restorations Home Page Mail Bag Continued
Pond Lily Mill Restorations Index by Text Titles Page.
Pond Lily Mill Restorations Index by Title of Images. (A-L)
Pond Lily Mill Restorations Index by Title of Images. (M-Z)
Pond Lily Mill Restorations Site Map, a Road Map (Atlas) of this Site.
Poor Miller's Apprentice-Pretty Miller's Daughter, Die schöne Müllerin (The Fair Maid of the Mill), by Franz-Peter Schubert (1823).
The Poor Miller's Boy and the Cat, by the Brothers Grimm. Grimm Tale Nuumber: 106, From Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Household Tales, trans. Margaret Hunt (London: George Bell, 1884), 2:78-81. 
Position Description for a Mill Operator in an Historical Mill, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Possible Funding Resources, Writing Guide for Different Guidelines and Methods.
The Practical American Millwright and Miller, by David Craik, 1870. 
Practical Hints on Mill Building, by R. James Abernathey, 1880.
The Preservation of Historic Mills, Preservation in Brief, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Problems in Interpretation - Buyer Beware! A letter by Theodore R. Hazen.
Problems with Interpretation of Oliver Evans' "The Young Mill-Wright & Miller's Guide." by Theodore R. Hazen.
Process of Flour Manufacture, by Percy A. Amos, 1912.
Puss in Boots, and the Marquis of Carabas. A Pure Translation from the Original German.
Reading from the Miller's Bookshelf.
Recommended Health Practices for the Operation of Historic Grist Mills, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Reference Books on Folklore, collected by Theodore R. Hazen.
Reference Works for Mill Dams and Water Power, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Reference Works on Oliver Evans, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Remembering Donald C. Wisensale, the Father of Mill Restoration, by Theodore R. Hazen. Bonus features on the same page: (1) The Fitz Water Wheel Company's Last Historical Restoration, The Restoration of the William Robertson's Wind Mill. (2) The Fitz Water Wheel Company's Archival Records at the Hagley Museum and Library. (3) The Campbell Water Wheel Company's Archival Records at the Hagley Museum and Library.
Restoration of a 1644 Grist Mill, Water Mill, Long Island, New York, (A Mixed Media Restoration without Funds), by Emily Barton McGuire, no date.
An Account of Theodore R. Hazen, Jr., Qualifications and Experience.
A Retrospective of Slone's Mill, a photo essay of Slone's Mill.
Rights and Reproductions of Material found in this Web Site
Rodent Control: Value of a Good Mill Cat, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Rules to Prevent Dust Explosions, with additions by Theodore R. Hazen.
The Consolidated Grain Milling Catalogs, Edition Number 2, 1929-30, "Machinery, Equipment, Supplies, Construction, Etc., for Flour, Feed and Cereal Mills, Flour Warehouses and Grain Elevators," National Miller, Chicago, Illinois, 1929. 
Rumpelstiltzkin, by the Brothers Grimm. Grimm Tale Number 55 , Rumpelstiltskin, from Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Household Tales, trans. Margaret Hunt (London: George Bell, 1884), 1:221-224.
The Same Typical Oliver Evans Mill Shown in Side Cross Section, text and drawing by Theodore R. Hazen.
Sanitation Criteria for Historic or Living History Demonstrations Producing Food or Food Products, a National Park Service document, circa 1970. 
Schematic Layout of a Typical Oliver Evans Mill, How it all worksby Theodore R. Hazen
A Sectional Model of Slone's Grist Mill's New Water Wheel, model by Perry L. Forbes.
A Short Course in how to be an Historic Miller-Mill Operator, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Six (16) Reasons to Use Theodore R. Hazen & Pond Lily Mill Restorations.
Sizing up a Water Wheel, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Slone's Grist Mill History Study and Related Iinformation on the Grist Mills of Franklin County, Virginia, A Supplemental Document to Esom Slone's Grist Mill South Prong Pigg River- Turner's Creek Area Ferrum Vicinity, Virginia, by Theodore R. Hazen
Slone's Grist Mill Update: 2000 (a 20 foot diamater wooden water wheel)
So You want a to be a Miller? by Theodore R. Hazen.
Supplement to the Interpretation of Old Mills, (part 2), by Theodore R. Hazen. 
 The Story of a Grain of Wheat, by William C, Edgar, 1904.
The Techniques Employed in Mill Restoration - Standards and Guidelines for Historical Buildings, and the Odds & Ends of Historic Mill Preservation. Comments by Theodore R. Hazen.
Ted Hazen Looks at the Barnitz Mill, Mount Holly Springs, Pennsylvania.
The Tedious Task of Sharpening the Mill Stones, the text and black & white photo from the brochure of the 1788 Tuthilltown Grist Mill, Albany Post Road, Gardiner, New York. 
 There'll Always be Water Wheels, by Neil M. Clark, December 3, 1955. 
Tidal Powered Mills: The Most Dependable Natural Mill Power, by Theodore R. Hazen.
 A Treatise on Bread and Bread-Making, by Sylvester Graham, 1837.
Types of Vertical Water Wheels, by Theodore R. Hazen.
Various Background Work Related Skills of Theodore R. Hazen. 
The Young Mill-Wright and Miller's Guide, by Oliver Evans, 1797, drawing of an Oliver Evans Automated Mill, Plate 8, Article 89. 
The Water Wheel Album: Page One- The Poncelet's Wheel.
The Water Wheel Album: Page Two- The H. J. Gulden's Water Wheel. 
The Water Wheel Album: Page Three- The Henry Burden Water Wheel.
The Water Wheel Album: Page Four- The Laxey Water Wheel.
The Water Wheel Album: Page Five- The Noria Water Wheels.
The Water Wheel Album: Page Six- The Fitz I-X-L Steel Overshoot Water Wheels.
The Water Wheel Album: Page Seven- Water Wheel Miscellany. 
The Water Wheel Album: Page Eight- The Campbell Water Wheels.
The Water Wheel Album: Page Nine- I-X-L Steel Overshoot Water Wheel large ad. 
The Water Wheel Album: Page Ten- The Kennedy Mine Tailing Wheels.
The Water Wheel Album: Page Eleven- The Fairwater Fitz Water Wheel. 
The Water Wheel Album: Page Twelve- The Berry College Water Wheel.
The Water Wheel Album: Page Thirteen- More Water Wheel Miscellany. 
What is Historic Preservation?
Wheat and Its Products, by Andew Millar, 1916. 
Wherever Water Blooms, by Roger Butterfield, July 26, 1941.
Why Mills? by Theodore R. Hazen, and Pond Lily Mill Restorations.
 The Windmill and the Master Wind-Miller: Putting the Wind to Work, and the High Craft of Milling, Millering, and Mill-Wrighting, by Theodore R. Hazen. 
The Woodson`s Mill Documentary, Woodson's Mill, Lowesville, Virginia. Review of The Woodson's Mill Documentary by Theodore R. Hazen.